Team Members of Captain Cool


Poonam Singh

#ClimateChampion, Graduate in Bachelor of Science in Botany, loves to teach young mind and make them understand the importance of adopting a low carbon lifestyle.

Passionate about exploring nature, understanding the elements of biodiversity and contributing her effort and knowledge in protecting the mother earth.


Uttam Kumar Tamboli

#ClimateChampion, Undergraduate student of Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering.

Passionate about environment, water & biodiversity conservation, Waste Management and spreading literacy for Low Carbon Lifestyle.

Loves Video Making, Nature Travel and Writing Content that can help in sensitizing people for conserving their motherland.


Himangi Halder

#ClimateChampion, a school student passionate for exploring nature, biodiversity and teaching young minds for adopting Low Carbon Lifestyle by Each One Teach One Concept.

She loves her feelings, ideologies and actions for mother nature through drawing, painting, singing and dancing.


Karan Agrawal

#ClimateChampion, 12th standard student of the Jain International School.

Dedicated to uplifting the deteriorating conditions of our environment by spreading Climate Literacy and Low Carbon Lifestyle.

He loves swimming, playing football, and flying kites in the clear sky. And to continue enjoying the things he loves; he wants to put all his efforts into protecting Mother Nature.

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